It was nearly Christmas, and I was out buying the last few bits of plastic for my nieces. Walking along the high street, dodging frantic shoppers and sticky-faced children, I almost fell over the old ...Read More
Amy had been gone for three days and I’d not heard a word from her. Nothing, nada, nil. I simply didn’t understand what had gone wrong. Friday we spent the day in bed together, laughing and fuckin...Read More
It’s been over a year since I last updated this blog… which could mean life has been rough, but in fact it’s because the last year has been pretty blooming busy! So I thought it was time to do a...Read More
Christine had worked for Lindman and Co for over thirty years now. She’d joined as a secretary, working part time in the typing pool when her youngest child had started school, and was now PA to the...Read More
As I opened the door, silence wrapped itself around me like a fleece blanket. The house was empty and I was alone. Married just three months, our roles as husband and wife were not the loving equals I...Read More
Long time no blog post, yeah yeah I always say that. So since I wrote in June, I came back to the UK for my dad’s funeral, and then decluttered, packed up, said goodbye to friends and made the l...Read More
Gosh, is it really 6 months since I last wrote anything here? That’s terrible. Must mean I’ve been busy getting on with life, rather than thinking about it, I suppose! So where are we at? ...Read More
Happy New Year! Okay, it’s January the 17th already … Paul Young’s birthday; it’s amazing that I learned that fact about him when I was a teenager and still remember it. I wish...Read More
I was going to include this in my round up post but decided it deserved a post to itself! Towards the end of November some members of a community group in my village started building a ‘presepio...Read More
November NaNoWriMo The main thing going on in November was that I took part in – and won – NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month – when you writing a 50,000 word novel during the 3...Read More
September September kicked off with a trip over the mountains to see my friend Andrea (the owner of the farm where I lived when I first moved to Portugal). It was an eventful trip as the car overheate...Read More
I really must start doing better at this blogging lark …. after all the excitement of moving to Portugal and blogging about this new life a few times a month, it’s a pretty poor show to ha...Read More
I just felt the urge to blog today. Not sure what about, or why, but I found myself opening the blog site and typing … how strange! So life here carries on much the same as it has for the last y...Read More
Having lived here two years now – can you believe that? – I think I can safely say that spring is my favourite season in Portugal. Winter here isn’t as barren as in the UK – af...Read More