Why it’s on the list: I’ve been a member of 4Networking for about two and a half years now and in that time I’ve grown in confidence – it’s probably helped that I’ve gone from being a humble member to part of the team, then group leader, then area leader, looking after four groups. I’ve also been very active on the forum and the combination of the online and offline networking has brought me friends, fun and business clients. Part of the meetings involve a ten minute “4sight” presentation and I know that members really benefit from doing these …. but I’ve never found the courage to do one myself. Or the imagination to know what I’d talk about anyway!
How/when I’ll judge this task to be completed: When I have successfully completed a 4sight at a 4Networking meeting.
Well … a date has been set for this. 4N is holding several Big Breakfasts over the next few weeks and we are running one in Oxford on 2nd July. The 4sight is meant to be a special one, one member’s 4N journey … and I have been asked to do it. Eek! I’ve planned out more or less the areas I want to cover, but I need to work out what I’m actually going to say!!
UPDATE: I completed this challenge today! I did the 4sight at the 4N Oxford Big Breakfast this morning in front of 30 people … eek! It was titled My 4N Journey and I talked about how I became self employed (problems with Dan’s ADHD/school and my lack of corporate-ness) and how I found 4N (Stef) and how it helped me (kept me sane through the worst year of my life) and the success I have had from it (80% of my clients, lots of suppliers, friends, fun, confidence etc).I also offered up some tips for making the most of a 4N membership. Well, I couldn’t make the whole ten minutes about me, could I?!
I thought I would be really nervous about presenting in front of so many people, especially when the subject matter was so personal to me. I actually found it quite an exciting experience – though I was completely drained afterwards! I am now thinking I might do a few more, either the 4N journey again, or on blogging or getting the most out of the 4N forum. So watch this space, this could be just the first of many 4sights!
I don’t believe there is any video or photographic evidence of the 4sight but there is a thread on the 4N forum where people have said some VERY nice things about me … so take that as your proof!