Why it’s on the list: NaNoWriMo stands forNational Novel Writing Month which takes place in November every year, and involves thousands of people around the world writing novels of 30,000 words during the 30 days of November. For at least three years now I’ve promised to take part – I even bought No Plot? No Problem! , the official guide to quick novel writing by the guy who started NaNoWriMo, but still haven’t actually taken part. I know I have a book in me … now is the time to get it out of my system!
How/when I’ll judge this task to be completed: When I have taken part in NaNoWriMo and successfully completed the first draft of a 30,000 word novel. I’ll link to the finished work of art (!) here.
Well it’s the 1st November 2011 and I am planning on starting NaNoWriMo today – given that it has to be done in November, and there are only two Novembers between now and the end of the challenge, I need to try this year so if I fail I can have another go next year! My profile is here, if you want to track my progress!