The Stansfield Times

The Stansfield Times: “THE place for all the Stansfield family news. If you’ve got something to say, an announcement to make, a link to post or just want a moan, do it here! Any family mem... Read More

How come kids have all the fun? The kids are having a great time at Playzone and I’m sitting here bored out of my skull, not even able to read because the kids are so noisy. Roll on Monday when ... Read More

Sitting in Starbucks in the retail outlet in Swindon, having had a row in Clarks about which shoes my son will permit himself to year for school. He hates all of them, apparently, so on doubt there... Read More

Katie's World!

Typical. I spend hours (well, minutes) putting together some sort of nonsense for this meaningless blog in the hope that millions across the world will rush over to read my nonsense, to no avail ̷... Read More


“alison is an enthusiastic alison is seriously pissed off and needs cheering up alison is in demand as a jazz vocalist and performs extensively at music venues throughout the chicagoland area al... Read More

Sad Song Co

Looks like Nigel Powell felt pretty much the same about his gig in Winchester as U and I did .. but in more explcit terms! The Sad Song Co. It really bugs me when people have no respect for others ... Read More

Posted on
Seems like I’ve managed to develop asthma at the grand old age of 32. I failed a lung function test quite spectacularly yesterday and now have an inhaler and an appointment to see the doctor in ... Read More

Posted on
Guess what? I’m doing this entry from my mobile! Just going to test it works and them will post the link. This is cool!... Read More


Posted on
People make me so mad sometimes. What should have been a good night out in Winchester turned into a bit of a disappointment because people have no damn respect. There were four acts on at the pub we w... Read More