So I’m not doing NaNoWriMo this year after all. I made a good start on Day 1 – managed my 1666 words pretty easily. But then on Day 2 I was on a workshop all day, and I was tired when I got home, and Katie was back from Uganda and full of chat, and I was up at 11pm catching up on work rather than NaNo’ing. And on Day 3 I was on the workshop again and came down with a cold and felt awful coe the evening, so no NaNo’ing got done again.
This molnth I’ve got two other things going on – I’m taking part in the Ultimate Sales Performance programme, which I hope is going to be hugely important for my business. And I’m doing some coaching with Cathy Dean, to help me get over some of the crap that has happened in my life, and help me find my fabulous self.
Both of those things are going to take up some of my free time. And for me, both of those things are more important than NaNoWriMo. Sorry ๐
And there’s always next November!