A funny thing happened yesterday. I’d had a very lazy morning, reading in bed, and had barely bothered to get dressed – grubby jeans, an even grubbier cardigan, Crocs and unbrushed hair. I was out...Read More
A couple of weeks or so ago my lovely mum came over to visit me here in Portugal and we had a really good time together. Mind you, we almost missed each other … Mum’s flight landed shortly bef...Read More
As I don’t have a TV here, I spend my evenings (and occasional lunch breaks) either reading, watching stuff I’ve downloaded on Netflix or listening to podcasts. One of my favourite podcast...Read More
*** Apologies if the cake photo is upside down – sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t and I can’t work out how to fix it! One of the downsides of moving to Portugal is that I’ve gai...Read More
My last post talked about how peaceful and quiet life is here at Coelhosa. Over the weekend I spent three days back at Casalinho e Escabelado, my friends’ farm, looking after the animals while they ...Read More
I struggled to know what to write about in this blog post because my life has become so simple and peaceful – and probably very boring to anyone observing from the outside! It’s lovely, don’...Read More
After two weeks staying with family in the UK I headed back to Portugal with my daughter Katie in tow. Katie is a primary school teacher and tends to find the long summer holidays drag a bit as her bo...Read More
It’s been ages since I wrote a blog post, and I guess that’s because I’ve simply been getting on with enjoying my new life here in the tiny village of Coelhosa, near Gois. I’m feeling very set...Read More
I’ve been in Coelhosa nearly a fortnight now, and in Portugal nearly six months – how the time has flown! Considering I came here to “scratch an itch” and was almost certain I wouldn’t like ...Read More
So here we go, the beginning of a new phase in this midlife adventure, a new chapter in my life. Living alone! It’s the first time I’ve done this since I was 20, I reckon … though ba...Read More
Here in Portugal, June is most definitely the month of the grass seed. They get everywhere – in my boots, in my socks, I even found one in my pyjamas last night! Who would believe a simple seed coul...Read More
Living on the farm in central Portugal has given me a lot of time to reflect on what I want and don’t want in life. I don’t know that I’ve had a huge amount of insight though, as yet! One thing ...Read More
Getting enough exercise and living a healthy life can seem easy for some, but for most of us, it can be more challenging. Exercise programmes like DDP Yoga are hugely helpful when it comes to losing w...Read More
It’s been a good few weeks since I last wrote a blog post, so apologies … I travelled back to the UK on 1st May – just for a week, to see the family, celebrate my daughter’s 25th birthday and ...Read More
“Stop and consider! Life is but a day; A fragile dew-drop on its perilous way From a tree’s summit.” John Keats I’m currently sitting at Lisbon airport, waiting for a flight to the UK. Don...Read More