Oddball Day. Wear a mismatched pair tomorrow: odd socks, shoes, gloves, earrings, or mismatched legs from tights or trousers. Enjoy being different! When I was a teenager I used to wear odd socks R...Read More
Swap Day. Borrow something to wear tomorrow. E.g. a friend’s scarf, partner’s shirt or child’s backpack. If you feel closer afterwards let them know. The first “official” task of the...Read More
Years ago, when I was a teenager, I was a bit of a goth …. OK I looked like I was wearing a bin bag most of the time, but at least I had some sort of style! Then in my early twenties along came ...Read More
Last year I decided to write a book. I’d wanted to write a book since I was a child, but the time never seemed right, I didn’t know what to write about, and who was I to write a book anywa...Read More
A quick run through the fourth week of my recovery following surgery to remove a Morton's Neuroma from between toes two and three… Day 22 (Monday) – three weeks after the surgery and g...Read More
Here's another update on my recovery following surgery to remove a Morton's Neuroma. If you would like to see all the posts on this topic, click here. Day 16 (Tuesday) So today was the day I h...Read More
I've just today started a free Open University course titled Start Writing Fiction. While I know I can write well, I've always wanted to write a novel but fear I lack the necessary imagination...Read More
Following surgery for removal of an inflamed nerve caused by Morton’s Neuroma, I’ve been keeping a journal of my recovery. I hope it will help anyone else considering surgery for this not ...Read More
I haven't done any art journalling for ages, but the creative urge took over me at the weekend and I decided to have a go at some “found poetry”. While they're not perfect, I was q...Read More
Following surgery for removal of an inflamed nerve caused by Morton's Neuroma, I've been keeping a journal of the recovery. I hope it will help anyone else considering surgery for this not unc...Read More
I first got a Morton's Neuroma (MN from hereon!) in my left foot, between toes two and three, back in 2010. (Read my last blog posts about it here and here.) Initially I had a cortisone injection ...Read More
Back in September 2010 I wrote an entry about my Morton’s Neuroma, which I had just had a cortisone injection for. Then in January this year I wrote an update, about how a second cortisone injec...Read More
This is a copy of a complaint I have just sent to Hermes, following the “delivery” of a parcel which was damaged beyond repair. It should explain why I’ll never use Hermes (My Hermes...Read More
This entry is prompt #25 of The Book of Me, Written by You project This week's prompt is – Love (I love you!) Love comes in varying shapes and sizes I love you I love ice cream I love the sm...Read More
Clayhanger by Arnold Bennett My rating: 2 of 5 stars I really wanted to like this …. and I almost did. Sadly though I realised that life is just too short for books as wordy as this. We first me...Read More