Get Out While You Can – Escape The Rat Race by George Marshall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Really interesting book that takes an unusual and very British approach to learning how to make an alternative income. The first part of the book looks at wage slavery and has some interesting philosophy on how you’ll never be rich unless you take control of your own destiny – stuff I’ve read before, but it was very convincing. The author runs several money-making sites and divulges several methods of earning money online, from Google Adwords and selling domain names to affiliate marketing. Normally these kind of books bore me to tears but this one kept my interest because it’s written in a very enjoyable conversational style.
In fact, I was actually so inspired by this book that I have set up a couple of moneymaking sites myself .. thy’re both work in progress and haven’t started earning me anything yet, but if I don’t try I won’t know!
Hi Alison
Nice review. I have read the book also and like you have heard a lot of its content elsewhere.
The proof of these things are always did anyone try it and make money at it.
Its a while since you posted this, how did you fare?
I have set up a couple of sites …. and The bean bag one has made a very small profit, the holiday one none at all (though that was more a labour of love than anything!) I have another idea and have bought domain names and am hoping to get started on it soon. It’s just a case of finding the time though, I already run my own business and have to juggle my own stuff with client work, networking, managing the house etc!