- I don’t need a lot of space – or a lot of stuff. If I had cooking facilities I could very happily live in the caravan. I’m truly wondering what all that “stuff” is I’m paying to store back in the UK – and if I really need it.
- I’m very happy with my own company. Though I enjoy socialising now and then, I find it quite exhausting and I don’t need people around me to feel content.
- Goats may be strong-willed – but I am stronger.
- Music is one of the most important things in my life. If I can play music, I can tackle anything.
- Life is fleeting. A sunset, a bird, a butterfly – take time to stop and notice the small things.
- I’m a hybrid of Little Miss Clumsy and Little Miss Sunshine. I work best when I’m happy and when the sun is out (though I’ll probably fall over!).
- Sheep have long tails.
- When they are not being aggressive bastards, geese are very entertaining.
- Although I’m feeling a lot better in myself in terms of my mental health and well-being, I still haven’t fully recovered from the trauma and heartbreak of 2018. I need to be gentle with myself and let myself heal in my own time.
- Brohinos might be the most more-ish food ever.
- I really enjoy working with farm animals. Maybe I missed my calling in life!
- I’m finally starting to believe that I am a genuinely nice person, though despite being intelligent I can be a bit dim at times – and that’s fine.
- Aesthetics are important to me when it comes to my surroundings. The landscape here lifts my spirits every day, and making the caravan “pretty” and cosy and feel like home was my main priority when I arrived.
- I would love to have my own little place here. Although I am really happy living with my hosts, I’ve stepped into their lives and dreams and am now wanting to shape my own life.
- I’ve always been a cat person but I really want a dog.
- The smell of duck poo is especially offensive.
- In Aradas, God was always two minutes early. Then the clocks went forwards and now he is a minute late.
- Portuguese is a very difficult language to learn – but I’ll keep trying.
- Apart from my family and friends, I miss very little about the UK. Summer fruits squash, Hobnobs, Bombay Mix, Sunday morning tea and toast in bed and my blue boots … that’s about it. I’m not even really missing long hot baths!
Things I’ve learned during my first two months in rural Portugal

Fantastic! Well done. I’m enjoying reading your posts and updates. This was fun.